David Williams
— dvdjwllms@gmail.com —David is currently employed as a full-stack developer at Shamrock Trading Corporation. His team utilizes React, React Native, TypeScript, AWS Lambdas, and Node.js.
David is currently employed as a full-stack developer at Shamrock Trading Corporation. His team utilizes React, React Native, TypeScript, AWS Lambdas, and Node.js.
While the previous role may have been David's first look into the start-up space, this current role is equally as important for the growth of his skillset! At Shamrock, David is getting his first experience with mobile development and serverless architecture. He continues to get caught up to speed at a break-neck pace and isn't afraid to dive into the unknown. He also strives to incorporate his previous skills by helping to introduce common standards and best practices.
Some of the things David has accomplished while at Shamrock Trading Corporation include:
This was David's first experience with a start-up company. There were no issues with the fast paced environment and the expanded scope of responsibilities provided to be an amazing opportunity. Here, he continued his pattern of rapid onboarding and impactful contributions. Also worth noting, the choice was made to transition from a Full Stack developer to Front End specific so that focus of knowledge could be towards a specific point rather than in a broader, general direction.
Some of the things David accomplished while at Mythical Games include:
David was a member of a small team with the focus of improving the Consumer Platform. He was able to quickly get caught up to speed and make large contributions early at the company.
Some of the things David accomplished while at Blueapron include:
David acted as an essential team member of a core services and tooling team. Being an internal team meant that development could happen much more quickly, but also that when standards were changed his team had to be among the first to adapt.
While David got great initial training, the frequently changing environment put that training to the test. As a result, he was the engineer that people came to when searching for a resource on the products and services owned by the team.
Some of the things David accomplished at Cerner include:
David's time as an intern prepared him for the real world. Here, he assisted in day to day support operations with the occasional programming project.
Some of the activities performed here include:
Students were prepared for the A+ Certification exam through a combination of virtual and in-person exercises.